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03-08 14:47:37 | http://www.youjiao51.com | 301 | 小学五年级作文



Hi, Hello, everybody. My name is Hu ZheLi, 10 years old this year, studying in second grade Chang Lou, I am tall, with big eyes, round face, a smile will be revealed two dimples. I am a father, mother, daughter, because I am cheerful, lively and clever, won the father, mother's favorite, is the father, mother's pride and joy; in schools called "Happy Wizard." Do not look at me look not very pretty, but I was a good student in school, at home and is obedient good boy, helping others in the community a good boy, is a good example for students.

Once, I went to aunt's house, on the road to see a disabled old lady legs. Her cane in her hand, took a lot of things back there is a big bag, walking very convenient. Then, I ran to her and said: "Grandmother, you are this is going? I take you go! Years, I help you with your stuff!" Grandmother who looked at me, tears in his eyes began spinning it , said excitedly: "No, thank you, you're kind of a child!" I immediately said: "You are welcome to help you is my duty, as a primary school, are you can not do even this ? "Then, I would put my big bag in the back holding something back, legs disabled grandmother who escorted home. Day, although I am tired, but I know better than to eat the honey still sweet! I do a meaningful thing.

If you want to know me, if you wanted to be friends, you go to Zhang Lou primary Come on!

